Have you given much thought to what you want to do after you graduate?
It may be the furthest thing from your mind right now, but many students do go on to consider further study (postgraduate study) once they complete their first degree. Unless externally funded, postgraduate study can be an important personal commitment both financially as well of your time and energy so it is super-important to get clear on why you might keep it on your radar. We'll refer to it as PG study for brevity.
Some great reasons to consider further study
- You've fallen in love with your subject, want to research it even further and find out as much as you can about it
- You've an eye on the prize and want to develop expertise in that area
- Sometimes the decision is made for you as some careers and professions will require it
- Although PG study won't guarantee you a job, it can boost your employment and salary prospects making you stand out to an employer in terms of your expertise and vocation for a sector
- Some PG study may allow you to change the direction of your career
- It can help you develop key employability skills even further
Now, some not-so-great reasons
- Your family think it's a great idea. You're the one who needs to think it's a great idea!
- You love the student lifestyle!
- You're finding it hard to get a graduate job or get onto a graduate scheme
- You're not really sure what you want to do, maybe feel a bit lost about the direction your career could go in
- You've no clear job-hunting strategy and job rejection after job rejection is starting to wear you down.
These will still be there to be dealt with once you finish further study, so if you are considering it for these reasons, you are really just putting off the inevitable. Speak to a career coach or careers advisor to help get some clarity and support to move you forward.
Here are some key questions to ask yourself to help you make the right decision for you!
- Am I clear about why I want to do further study?
- Does my chosen career path require PG study?
- Do employers in this sector put a premium on PG study?
- What kind of PG study would be best for me?
- Where do I want to study? UK or overseas? Attend open days and events to get a clearer picture.
How will I fund my studies? See Suggested Reading for different postgraduate study funding options open to you.
Suggested Reading
> Prospects: Postgraduate Study
> UCAS: Choosing a university for postgraduate study
> UCAS: Postgraduate study areas
> Gov.uk: Funding for postgraduate study
By Anna Gordon - Certified Business Coaching Psychologist ABP CBCP
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