As a student your degree will always be your priority but working while studying has real advantages, and a part time or temping job helps you find that balance that gives you the best outcomes.
Part time work
Part time jobs are available in almost every kind of sector you can imagine today with more companies adopting better work life balance working patterns and family friendly policies.
Let's look at some of the benefits
1. More money and a steady income
2. You'll develop your experience and transferable skills which will boost your CV and future job applications
3. You could be getting a head start on getting the kind of relevant experience that will position you well for your future career path.
4. You'll meet new people and build your professional network
5. You'll come across new and different challenges which will help you increase in confidence
6. Juggling study and work will supercharge your time management and organisational skills.
7. You'll be building and strengthening those soft skills that employers always look for: teamworking, communication, timekeeping, interpersonal skills.
8. You'll be able to evidence your flexibility, drive, resilience, and commitment
9. You'll widen your social circle of friends and open yourself up to new experiences and new perspectives.
10.You'll show employers you understand how the world of work works.
No matter what your role is, don't focus on your job title, focus on the transferable skills you will be developing that will boost your employability in the eyes of an employer.
The Gig Economy
There is also the Gig economy where you work shorter-term part time jobs or do freelance work. This can be done independently or through various online platforms. Examples of online platforms to showcase your skills and find work on listed in the Suggested Reading section.
When you temp, you're employed through a recruitment agency, are paid hourly, and they find work for you. They are completely free for job seekers. Temping has all the benefits of part time work, but you have even more control over when and where you work which will be important to you when it comes to exams and assessments.
Temping is a fantastic way to work in different kinds of sectors and businesses, become involved in interesting projects, develop skills, and experience and even temp your way into a full-time role. Another benefit of temping is that it allows you to develop a network that is rich and diverse. You also get to career-test a lot of different workplaces before you make your own career choice.
> Benefits of part time working
> Freelancing guide for beginners
> How to find jobs using recruitment agencies
> Part time jobs to help kick start your career
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