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Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future (ePub eBook) 4th Revised edition

eBook by Peake, Stephen

Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future (ePub eBook)


Publication Date:
10 Nov 2018
4th Revised edition
Oxford University Press
OUP Oxford
680 pages
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Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future (ePub eBook)


The provision of sustainable energy supplies for an expanding and increasingly productive world is one of the major issues facing civilisation today. Renewable Energy examines both the practical and economic potential of the renewable energy sources to meet this challenge. The underlying physical and technological principles behind deriving power from direct solar (solar thermal and photovoltaics), indirect solar (biomass, hydro, wind and wave) and non-solar (tidal and geothermal) energy sources are explained, within the context of their environmental impacts, their economics and their future prospects. Renewable Energy provides both perspective and detail on the relative merits and state of progress of technologies for utilizing the various 'renewables'. The analysis considers emissions, sustainability, cost implications and energy security, as political and economic pressures move society towards a low-carbon future. From an overview of basic energy conversion processes, through a discussion of the individual renewable sources, to a concluding examination of the prospects for their integration into national and international networks and the outlook for renewable energy, this book provides a valuable insight into prospects for the renewables. Online resources Renewable Energy is accompanied by online resources which include: For students: Auto- marked multiple choice questions to accompany each chapter Curated links to further information and up-to-date energy statistics. For registered adopters of the book: Figures from the book: available to download for use in lectures


1: Introducing Renewable Energy 2: Thermodynamics and Heat Pumps 3: Solar Thermal Energy 4: Solar Photovoltaics 5: Bioenergy 6: Hydroelectricity 7: Tidal Power 8: Wind Energy 9: Wave Energy 10: Geothermal Energy 11: Integrating Renewable Energy 12: Renewable Energy Futures A1: Appendix: Investing in renewable energy A2: Appendix: Units

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Aston University - Aston Journey