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Civil Liberties and Human Rights provides a straightforward and stimulating account of this fascinating area of law. This essential textbook covers all the key topics on undergraduate human rights modules including crucial areas such as police powers, privacy, freedom of expression, terrorism and public order. Detailed analysis of key cases throughout puts the law into context and encourages students to engage with contemporary issues and debates.
1: Introduction 2: The Human Rights Act 1998: Overview 3: Personal liberty (Article 5) I: Stop, search, and arrest 4: Personal liberty (Article 5) II: Detention and questioning 5: Right to a fair trial: Article 6 6: Article 8: Right to respect for private life 7: Freedom of expression (Article 10) I: Official secrets and freedom of information 8: Freedom of expression (Article 10) II: Obscenity and indecency 9: Freedom to protest and public order law 10: Terrorism and human rights 11: Freedom from discrimination (Article 14)