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Good Work Finding a Career that Makes a Difference

Good Work Finding a Career that Makes a Difference

Article update with video of the event

Busting common myths about entering the daunting world of full time employment.

Shannon focuses on busting the common myths about getting an job, and provides top tips on making yourself as employable as possible.

The Boost Your Skills team discuss the following subjects with Shannon:

  1. What are some of the myths for writing a compelling CV?
  2. How important are cover letters - do they actually get read?
  3. Networking seems to be the key to landing a job these days.  What are your tips on doing this well?
  4. Do I need to find the right career straight away or should I just get on the ladder and sort that out later?
  5. I have applied for 20 jobs and haven't got any positive responses - what am I doing wrong?
  6. Do recruiters really find me a job?

Good Work Finding a Career that Makes a Difference

By Shannon Houde - MBA, PCC
Certified Executive Coach | Author | Empowering change leaders to make a difference through their career and influence across ESG | Corporate Sustainability

Aston University - Aston Journey