Bright Network supports students and graduates with the insights, advice and opportunities they need to succeed. It runs events with industry-leading employers and brings its members tailored job recommendations and expert support, all for free.
Careers are about the professional - but they're also personal. No matter your skill set, experience or background, your future means a lot to you. It's easy to get weighed down by feelings of pressure or struggle to balance your personal life, studies and finances with your budding career.
You've edited and re-edited your CV, read up on dozens of grad schemes and you're tired of scrolling job boards. To top it all off, you're experiencing career anxiety, wondering whether all your hard work will be worth it.
If this sounds like you, you're not alone. It's natural to feel overwhelmed about taking the next step in your career. Your ideal opportunity might be right around the corner, but it's hard to remember that when you're in the thick of the graduate job hunt. So how do you feel better in the meantime?
To help you minimise those feelings of career anxiety, Bright Network have collected their best tips for staying sane while searching for your graduate role.
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Bright Network
How to deal with career anxiety while job searching
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