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What are communication skills?

What are communication skills?

JS Group has partnered with Bright Network to share the best advice to help you launch your early career.

Bright Network supports students and graduates with the insights, advice and opportunities they need to succeed. It runs events with industry-leading employers and brings its members tailored job recommendations and expert support, all for free.

Bright Network has been bridging the gap between graduates and employers for over 10 years. That means we know exactly what companies look for, and how you can improve your chances of getting hired.

You've probably heard that communication skills are invaluable to your professional and personal life. But what exactly are they? And how do you improve them?

Communication skills definition

So, what are communication skills?

Communication skills are the ability to share ideas and information effectively. Communication can be verbal, non-verbal, written or visual. To be a good communicator, you need to be a good listener too.

Why is communication important?

Good communication is a top employability skill.

Communication is crucial when working with others, whatever your role. You can't work well as a team if you can't understand each other. Being able to articulate yourself also makes it easier to form professional connections, which will help you in your career.

Common communication issues come from not listening, being indirect when sharing information, avoiding hard conversations or not communicating. Poor communication skills stop you from producing your best work. And that's one of the reasons why good communication skills are so important to employers.

Developing your communication and listening skills is a great way to improve your chances of success in job applications and interviews and the role itself. While communication is important across all job levels, it's an even more important skill for leaders. So, if you want to climb to the top, you need to get communicating.

Click on the source link below and discover more on this subject ...

  • Types of communication skills (Verbal, Non-verbal, Written, Visual, Listening)
  • Top communication skills that employers look for
  • How to improve your skills
  • How to describe these skills on your CV


Bright Network
What are communication skills

What are communication skills?

By Bright Network
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What are communication skills?

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