The cost of living is rising fast and while you may not be able to reduce some of your costs such as your rent or travel, you will hopefully be able to make savings in some areas. Food prices have risen exponentially in recent months but despite this is still an area that most of us can make some savings in.
Depending on which report you read, the cost of food has risen somewhere in the region of 10% to 14% in the last few months. This is being driven by what can only be described as a 'perfect storm' of increasing energy prices, rising fertiliser prices, avian bird flu, high temperatures and a lack of rainfall in the summer and a shortage in the labour market in some agricultural areas. While 10% may not sound like too much, many food items that lots of us would class as cheaper options have increased significantly more than this such as milk, pasta, potatoes, cereal, eggs, cheese and butter.
Now we know what is happening in relation to food prices, what if anything can we do to keep our costs under control? The best way to save money on food is to reduce or eliminate waste by planning what you are going to eat and only buy what you need. Plan your meals around basic store cupboard ingredients that have increased in price but are healthy and still relatively good value for money such as rice, pasta and pulses. Check your cupboards before you go and take a shopping list so you are not buying what you already have.
While this may sound quite straightforward, we know in reality it isn't. As humans most of us want instant gratification, meaning we will forego a future benefit (saving money in this example) for something that gives us joy now (a takeaway or night out maybe). So having a meal plan and the ingredients is only half of the story as you also need to have the motivation and resolve to stick to your plan in order to achieve your goals. Just think about this briefly when you are tempted to buy something you don't need. Giving yourself a moment to consider a purchase, whatever it may be, can really help.
Now we have done the psychology part, here are some tips to save money on your food.
Check out what your university is offering in relation to cheaper food options. Some are offering low-cost meals, free breakfasts or hot drinks. Check out your student union or student support for what is on offer or coming soon.
If you find your costs are increasing over what you had planned to spend, you should revisit your budget as a matter of urgency before costs get out of hand. Check if you can make any savings elsewhere or increase your income in any way maybe picking up an extra shift in work. Don't forget lots of unis have job shops and you may be able to get a job on campus.
If you need help speak to someone in your university, either in the careers or job shop or in the student support team.
All universities have support staff you can talk to in confidence about your money, and most universities have hardship funds you can apply for if you need additional financial support. You are not alone so if you need help you just need to ask.
Nosh Books
Good student friendly recipes and a great app you can download for free
Money Saving Expert
Information about saving money and budgeting
Save the Student
Money saving ideas including using your freezer
Love Food Hate Waste
Promoting cheap and easy recipes and reducing food waste
BBC Good Food
Some slow cooker recipes that are easy to do