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Uni Life What to expect

Uni Life What to expect

With the new academic year fast approaching, and the nerves about starting university are setting in, it is important to know what to expect.

As a recent graduate in Journalism, I have had my fair share of experiences throughout my time at university, so here are some of my top tips to prepare for university life and make the most of every moment. 

1. Socialise:

Starting in a new environment with a lot of new people can be daunting, so make sure you get to know those around you. A good place to start is with your flat or course mates. Meet up with people at the students union (there are always events run by the SU), or even go into town for a meal and form those relationships that will power you through.

2. Get a wall planner:

Having a visual timeline of what is happening will make your life so much easier. Start using the planner early to write down your induction sessions and when you have lectures, so it can then be used to mark out assignments when they start to come in. The Student's Union or university normally have wall planners available to collect during Welcome Week!

3. Use any bursaries wisely:

Finding out you have bursary funds can be exciting (as there are so many things available on the site) but hold off spending that until you have your reading lists. Some of the texts for your course can be very pricey, so using these funds to purchase those books will save you a lot of hassle. But, once your key texts are out of the way, treat yourself!

4. Start budgeting:

Having free reign over your own money is thrilling, however you must make sure you plan how you are going to spend. Put money aside each month for food shopping, Worcester Wednesday's and just treats in general to ensure you can enjoy yourself without worrying about funds. 

Now, take these on board if you wish, and make the most of your experience at the University of Worcester - time goes very quickly!

By Bryony-Hope Green - Student and Worcester University
2022 Journalism Graduate

Uni Life What to expect

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