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Plan your dissertation

Plan your dissertation

A dissertation or thesis is a long piece of academic writing based on original research, submitted as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree. It is likely that you will have to write a dissertation as part of your undergraduate degree. Here are a few points to think about when planning your dissertation. 

Why is dissertation planning an important skill for students to master?
Carefully planning a dissertation can help ensure you complete your projects on time and to a high standard. Your dissertation will form a large part of your final year mark, and indeed the final grade you graduate with. Therefore careful, meticulous planning is very important. 

What's the most common mistake students make in this area?
A common mistake is forgetting to allow sufficient time for careful editing and finessing of the dissertation. When planning out your timeframe, don't forget to leave at least a few days before your deadline, to thoroughly proofread and carry our final edits. It is easy to miss small errors when you have been focussed on something for an extended period of time. Take a day or two off, after you finish writing, and the read it carefully, and you may spot some very obvious mistakes you might have missed before!

What top tip would you give to students when it comes to planning their dissertations?
Make sure you conduct thorough research and make good notes with clear references.

Create your own timetables with time dedicated to your dissertation scheduled in. This will help you plan your time effectively and ensure you meet the deadline. A good mental tip is to try and write something everyday, even if it is only a few works, it will help give you motivation that you are getting closer to your word goal.

Looking for more? 

Click here for an On-Demand Webinar on 'Exploring and Meeting the Challenges of Dissertation Writing'

Click here for an On-Demand Webinar on 'Critical Reading and Self-Critical Writing for Postgraduates'

Click here for an On-Demand Webinar on 'Planning your Social Science Dissertation'


How to Write a Dissertation A Guide to Structure Content

UK Diss
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Sage Publishing
Plan Your Dissertation tips from Charlotte Brookfield and Jamie Lewis

Plan your dissertation



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Suggested reading

How to Write Your Undergraduate Dissertation

How to Write Your Undergraduate Dissertation

Greetham, Bryan (University of Durham, UK)

WAS £16.99   SAVE £4.25


Plan Your Dissertation

Plan Your Dissertation

Brookfield, Charlotte; Lewis, Jamie

WAS £7.99   SAVE £1.20



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