By planning ahead and using your time wisely, you'll be able to accomplish more and enjoy added free time. Good time management is a key skill that will help you during and after university, and will help you develop your professional career.
IIdentify time-wasters and set goals
It's easy to get distracted. Pay attention to what draws your focus away from your studies and assignments.
Set a goal to not engage in that behavior during dedicated study time
Plan ahead by creating a to-do List
Identify what you need to do, and then prioritize the tasks based on when the assignment is due and how much time you need to complete it. Consider what sort of work you're in the mood to do.
Divide your list into things to do now and things to do later. Set due dates
Tackle small tasks to start
It's easy to get overwhelmed by large projects and big exams, and the anxiety can make you want to procrastinate. Start with shorter, simpler to-do items and then move on to larger projects or assignments.
Only do one thing at a time
If you're trying to juggle multiple assignments and tasks, you'll likely end up being less productive.
Establish routines
A set routine can also help you accomplish the things you need to do.
Use breaks wisely
The time between work, classes, activities, and meetings can be used to complete tasks. The Pomodoro Technique, developed in the 1990s, was to work in short intervals and take short, regular, timed breaks or "Pomodoros."
Take time off
It's important to take time for yourself. Long study sessions or chunks of time working on assignments should be broken up with time away from screens or textbooks. You need to give your mind a rest.
The National Institutes of Health gathered several studies and published them in "Meditation: In Depth," which includes one study that suggests meditation makes the brain's ability to process information more efficiently.
Click here for an On-Demand Webinar on how to improve your time management skills.
Cirillo Consulting
The Pomodoro Technique
Purdue University
Time Management Tips for Busy Students
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Draper, Derek